The purpose of the Stone Shake-Up is to get us out of our rut. Mix things up. Start the year right, and get better EVERY DAY. If you do this program correctly you will be mentally tougher, stronger, grittier, more confident, and energetic. You will gain knowledge, be in tune with your body, and on your way to being a physical specimen. You will climb a grade harder, breathe easier, and sleep better.




Every day for the month of January you will do six things. No rest days. No cheat meals.

  1. Pick a meal plan/diet that works for your goals and stick to it. We recommend cutting out soda,  processed foods, candy, highly processed sugar, seed oils, etc. Eat as close to the earth as possible. 

  2. No alcohol. Zip. Nada. Pro tip: N/A beers are pretty good.

  3. Do two separate 45-minute workouts daily. One of the workouts has to be outside in the elements (this is for mental toughness). Two workouts per week have to be climbing-related. There will be days you don’t want to do the second workout. Dig deep and grind it out.

    Choose workouts that help you meet your goals. The purpose is to get in the habit of moving your body. Walks are OK.

  4. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily. 

  5. Read ten pages in a non-fiction book. This could be a biography, adventure, story, self-help book, historical account, or whatever you want to learn more about. Doing this you should read 1-2 whole books in January. Audiobooks DO NOT count.

  6. Take a picture of yourself every day. This is for you. Wear clothing that shows your physique to see your progress over the month. You will see a significant change after the first two weeks of this program.


Stone owners Eric and JT did this program for 75 Days over the summer in 2023 (75 Hard) and were so impressed with the results they want to encourage the Stone community to join them for this 31-day version of the program. You may feel so good you continue to do it for 75 days. 

Are you in? Commit below!


Starting January 1st we will post an accountability chart in the gym with all participant’s names where you can physically mark off your completed days.



  • The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

    Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey

    Enduring Patagonia by Gregory Crouch

    Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

    You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

    Wild by Cheryl Strayed

    Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

    Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

  • Climb!



    Play ultimate frisbee

    Go for a bike ride

    Go for a long, brisk walk

    Run or jog

    Swim in the ocean

    Play Tennis or Pickleball

    Wrestle with your kids

    Do push-ups, core, and squats in your living room